Laracon Australia 2018

Posted on 12 August 2019 in development

I have built several web apps when I decided to attend a conference. So I treated it as no coincidence when they announced Laracon AU, I immediately bought a ticket.

I first started using MVC frameworks in University. Choosing was easy back then as we were already told which one to use — CakePHP. We won two awards for that project. It was a CRM system built for Open Channel.

Immediately after getting my job, I built two more systems. One on top of CakePHP and another on CodeIgniter. I chose Laravel when Human Resource asked me to revamp our recruitment system. I felt in love with the framework, I subscribed to both Laracast and Test Drive Laravel.

Laracon AU was the first conference I attended for anything web related. I’ve gotten tons of value from it and I wish I could attend one more often. But I do very little development in my day job, no more than a handful over my 6 years.

I wish to do more development on the side and Laracon definitely pushed me to that direction. The Laracon AU team is kind to record and upload all the presentations, you can find them here. Some of my favourites were from Adam Wathan and Simon Vrachliotis.