Analyse and Visualise DMARC Aggregate Reports Using Open Source Tools

Posted on 15 September 2021 in security

So you’re tasked to analyse your organisation’s DMARC report. It’s an urgent task and there’s no time for budget request. You scour the internet for open source tools and came across a few on GitHub. Ultimately, you’ve decided to give this particular GitHub repo a try. You followed the what-could-barely-be-called-a-documentation here. The dashboard came out blank. You searched online on how to resolve the issue with minimal result. What do you do now?

I came across this problem when running docker-compose up (Step 2) on my clone (git clone, Step 1). I have already installed all the neccesary dependencies, including the not so optional GeoIP.

Upon checking the outputs from the docker containers (which I coincidentally know little about), I notice that the exit code of one of the container (parsedmarc_1) turned “0” instead of its usual “1”. I assume this is because the container has successfully run. Except it didn’t. I later found out that parsedmarc requires elastisearch to be up before it could successfull execute.

Logically, I wanted the parsedmarc container to do what is supposed to do. I waited for all services to boot up properly and injected a command onto the container. After a quick search, I learned that I could do that with the following command:

docker exec -it [container name] [command]

But what command to run specifically? To do this, I looked into the “docker-compose.yml” file and found the command to be run by the parsedmarc container. Running the following command, I could finally get the tools to work properly.

sudo docker restart parsedmarc_1
sudo docker exec -it parsedmarc_1 parsedmarc -c /parsedmarc.ini /input/*

Hope this is helpful for someone.